My Name is Nat and I SEE YOU! Human Design helped me discover my innate and my unique superpowers that only I am here to embody + express in the world. And it turns out one of my biggest superpowers - is helping YOU find YOURS!
I use my knowledge of Human Design and intuitive insights to show you your energetic roadmap back to your truth.
No matter where you are at with your human design journey - wanting to start small and learn the basics, or ready to go down the rabbit hole and learn it all - or even somewhere in between - I’ve got you covered!
Get to know yourself and your energy on a deeper level so you can live life as your most empowered, embodied, authentic amazing self!
Your Mini Personalised Guide is a fully customised digital guide based on your Human Design Chart. This guide looks at the basics of your chart, AKA the 3 most important things you need to know to get started!
A blueprint of your highest potential and the roadmap to get there.
Your Personalised Human Design Guide is comprehensive, fully customised digital guide based on your Human Design Chart.
This digital guide in PDF form is 65+ pages of juicy info of your unique energetic codes.
What's included?
45 Min audio recording delivered within 3 weeks of payment
In this Audio recording, we look at the basics of your human design chart, aka the MOST important things for you to know. Great if you want to get started with the Foundations of your Design!
90 Min audio recording delivered within 3 weeks of payment
In this Audio recording, we dive deeper into your Human Design Chart. We cover everything included in the Align with your design reading plus:
45 Min audio recording delivered within 3 weeks of payment
Deep dive into your relationship dynamics from an energetic perspective.
**You must each have an understanding of your own personal Human Design chart before booking this in.
I recommend getting an individual chart reading done first
before diving into how your charts interact together.
3 x 45 min minute audio recording in total
2 x Align with your Design individual chart readings
1 x Connection Chart reading as per above
Delievered within 3 weeks of payment
The Connection chart bundle is for those who want to take their
relationship and understanding of each other to the next level.
This shows you how you and your loved ones energy interacts with each other, and what happens when both of your auras connect into the other.
Human Design is not asking you to changing yourself. Ever! It’s asking you to REDISCOVER yourself and REMEMBER who you are - truly.
It is the ultimate self awareness tool that allows you to start peeling back the all the layers of Self limiting beliefs, triggers, shadows and BS in your life.
All of the things that have kept you doubting yourself, not trusting yourself, comparing yourself, feeling like your are too much or not enough.
All of the things that made you feel like it wasn’t safe to express yourself, accept yourself, love yourself.
All the things society and external influences have told you are/should be.
All of the things that have been stopping you from being your truest, most authentic self.
The reason I love sharing Human Design so damn much is because it gives you a whole new way of looking at your self.
It gives you this deep deep deeeeeeep understanding of your superpowers and your gifts. The medicine that you are here to share with the world. What drives you and motivates you. How you take in information and digest life. Your strengths, your wisdom, and your potential areas of vulnerability/pain points. It highlights your shadows so that you can shine a light on them.
By becoming aware of your unique design and energetic blueprint - you can start to let go of all that you are NOT and embrace all that you ARE.
Your chart shows you the blueprint of your highest potential the roadmap to get there.
It invites you to step into your brilliance and show up as your higher self.
Are you ready to start flowing with life rather than pushing and forcing?
Are you ready to see what kind of transformation can occur when you start living in line with your authentic, unique way of being?
Are you ready to discover and connect with the magic that is already there within you?
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