How To Get Unstuck Using Human Design

How To Get Unstuck Using Human Design

December 02, 20244 min read

How To Get Unstuck Using Human Design

Human Design came to me at a time in my life that I was feeling stuck, lost and disconnected to myself.

When I began my experiment, everything in my world started to shift and change. It wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows (it was actually ALL of the unlearning and soul lessons – story for another time) BUT it all lead me to where I am today, and where I am is exactly where I am meant to be.

I truly believe that when you start to align to your design, and begin to master your energy, you can transform your life!

Feeling stuck can look like:

  • you’re trying to force/push things

  • you have no/low energy

  • you feel misunderstood or like everything is in your way.

  • you don’t trust yourself

Your Human design chart is like a roadmap for your soul, it highlights exactly how you are designed to do things.

And if you are feeling any of the above? It’s most likely that you are operating in the way you think you “should”, instead of the way that actually feels GOOD for you… in the way your soul actually wants to do things.

Working with the energy of the Universe:

Aligning to your specific Human Design energetic codes will support you in working with rather than against your natural flow of energy.

  • When you do this:

  • Things start to flow with more ease and you experience less resistance in your life

  • You will feel less depleted and more energised

  • Your aura is naturally guided by the Universe towards the people, places, opportunities and experiences that are MEANT for you

  • You build self trust + confidence within

  • You know your inner signposts to help keep you on track

Below are the codes you can begin to work with and play with in your life to Get unSTUCK.

ENERGY TYPE (your aura):

This is how you use, express and exchange energy with the world. We all designed to use our energy in different ways. If you feel drained, depleted or even burnt out, you may be using your energy in the opposite way than you are designed to. Aligning to your Energy Type can help you raise your energy levels.

When you honour your energies natural ebbs and flows, and direct your energy to where it naturally wants to go, your life truly can transform.

STRATEGY (navigating the world):

This how you create and attract opportunities for yourself and how you know when to take action. We all have a unique way of navigating the world, and when you align to this, you meet much less resitance. If you feel stuck, you generally are operating out of alignment with your Strategy. For eg, you are meant to let life come to you, but you try to initiate. This can make things feel very forced, and there can be a lot of friction. Knowing your unique ‘green light’ of when to take action can help things fall into place a lot quicker and a lot easier.

AUTHORITY (how your intuition speaks to you):

This is how you make aligned, embodied decisions using your bodies wisdom. We are all designed to make decisions differently. If you feel stuck, you may feel overwhelmed and not trust yourself to make decisions. So you start to look outside yourself for answers. Every decision you make leads you to the next part of your journey, and so this can lead you astray from your souls path. Following your Authority helps you find clarity and build trust within yourself. Each soul aligned decision you make leads you to exactly where you are meant to be.

SIGNATURE/NOT SELF THEME (your inner signposts):

This can show you when you are in and out of alignment. These are your inner signposts from the Universe to keep you on track with your souls path. This is a powerful internal check in that you can use daily to see if what you are doing is in alignment and serving you.

Signature = Green light from the Universe that you are on track/in alignment

Not-Self = A gift to show you that something is not in alignment/off track and may need to be done in a different way

You can start playing with these concepts in your life:

  • Use your energy intentionally (energy type)

  • Align to your strategy (inform, respond, wait for recognition + invitations, wait a lunar cycle)

  • Trust your intuition and actually make soul aligned decisions (authority)

  • Tune in daily to see how you are feeling and follow your inner signposts (signature and not self)

This allows you to Get Unstuck and move forward with clarity, purpose and alignment.

Do you want to understand your unique Human Design Chart on a deeper level?

A blueprint of your highest potential and the roadmap to get there.

“Your Personalised Human Design Guide” is comprehensive, fully customised digital guide based on your Human Design Chart. This digital guide in PDF form is 65+ pages of juicy info of your unique energetic codes.

Love Your Human Design Mentor,

Nat – 4/6 Sacral Generator – RAX Penetration

Hi, I'm Nat! I'm a Human Design Coach and Reader. I'm a 4/6 Sacral Generator.
I support people to embrace their highest potential so they can align to their soul's purpose.

Natalie Dillon

Hi, I'm Nat! I'm a Human Design Coach and Reader. I'm a 4/6 Sacral Generator. I support people to embrace their highest potential so they can align to their soul's purpose.

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Hey, I'm Nat!

I am in love with Human Design and the transformation it provides.

Using Human Design as tool for your liberation, transformation and empowerment is MY JAM.

With over 5 years experience as a Human Design Mentor, I’m here to show Spiritual Entrepreneurs like you what’s possible when you live in deep alignment with your design and start applying it to your soul based biz!

I keep Human Design simple and fun, breaking down the complexities so you can tap into your unique magic.

You are in the right place if you are ready to create a life and biz that you love and are absolutely obsessed with! Let’s get you the clarity you need as you discover your personalised blueprint for success!

Served Hundred's of client's using Human Design

30+ Certified Graduates from my Human Design Reader training

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