Meet the Girl Behind the Readings

Meet the Girl Behind the Readings

November 25, 20245 min read

Oh hey there – for those that don’t know me or are new around here – Welcome!

I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself Human Design style. I’m Nat and I’m a 37 yr old 4/6 Sacral Generator.

I’m here to do what I love and what I looooove is helping people Discover their Superpowers and their Magic, so that they can start living a conscious life that they love on their own terms.

I’m a 4/6 profile (opportunist/role model) – so my community and connection is everything to me! I love collaborating and thrive when I’m working with people I love! I’m all for getting to know people in a deeper way and love forming close, soul bonds. I learn through my experiences (even the times when I fuck up!) and love to share all of my lessons so that it can inspire others. The best way for me to guide and educate others is by being the example and showing up as my most aligned, authentic self.

My Head Centre is completely open, and I also have an undefined Ajna, Throat, and Solar Plexus. Knowing I’m here to be deeply inspired by others but that I don’t need to have all the answers and total certainty on my beliefs and next actions has really helped me! I’m here to see unlimited perspectives and use my voice in a way that many can understand – and trust myself on knowing when and how to speak.

I feel others emotions deeply through my undefined Solar Plexus but learning to be a screen and not a sponge has been one the greatest gifts Human Design has giving me. Emptying out emotional energy that is not mine allows me to hold space for others emotionally in a much more cohesive and beautiful way.

I have 3/4 motor centres defined – my Sacral, my Heart/Ego and my Root centre. Learning to work with this energy and use it to my advantage has been a game changer for me. Know that when I’m on, I’m ON and to use those “off” times to rest and recharge my energy has been crucial to my well-being.

My defined Heart/Ego Centre allows me to throw my whole heart and soul into the things that I truly am passionate about and has taught me to know what is truly worth my time and energy.

My defined Root Centre has me always leaving things to the last minute, but thriving off that pressure/deadline and having the ability to be grounded even amongst the chaos.

My Spleen Centre is heavily defined and I am highly intuitive. I’ve been tuning into and building a relationship with my intuition for the past few years and HD has given me the roadmap to go even deeper.

I have a defined G Centre and I let love be my guiding light. My inner compass guides the way, every time along with following my strategy and authority. This explained why I have ALWAYS felt such a strong sense of purpose and knowing I’m here to do BIG things!

My top left arrow points right which means I’m a go with the flow kinda gal. Having strict schedules and rigid routines just does not work for me. I love having flexibility, fluidity and flow within my day. I find this creates space for magic and is how my energy works best!

My determination is COLD THIRST which makes so much sense for me! I love ice cold water, smoothies, cold pressed juices … and ice cream of course! I’m always thirsty for knowledge and to know more more more!

My conscious sun gate is Gate 57 – Gentle Clarity and Intuitive Insight. When I’m not stuck in my not self theme of worrying about the future I can intuitively sense what’s coming, and what is right for me (and others!) Understanding this key part of my design has been one of the biggest turning points for me. It’s what gave me the courage to start to lean into and embrace my intuitive gifts that i was previously trying to ignore! It’s what allows me to “read/hear” people, sometimes knowing more about people than They know about themselves. I can understand them of a deep level and instantly having a intuitive sense about their life situation, their fears and their motivation.

Which leads me to my life’s purpose , my Incarnation Cross- the RAX Penetration. When I first learned about this I read a lot of negative and disempowering viewpoints on this, because of the ability to “penetrate” peoples auras and know what is best for them And can come across as blunt/too straightforward. But as I am an eternal optimist – I choose to love my Incarnation cross. The “shock” part of it actually is about helping awaken others into a new awareness of their life circumstances so that they can open to the possibility of total life transformation. I am so here for that! For me it’s about tapping into my strong intuitive senses from a place of love, alignment and integrity.

My main goal is to help people and empower them to make amazing changes based on their own inner realisations.

Oh and if you’re into Astrology too (which if you’re here I’m sure you are!?) I’m a Libra ♎️ Sun, a Gemini ♊️ Moon and an Aquarius ♒️ Rising.

Ok so now you basically know almost everything about me on a soul level (and my chart is posted above for those super Savvy HD peeps who want to see!)

I’d love to hear something about your unique Human Design in the comments below ?

Thanks for being here!

Like I said with a 4th line in my conscious profile COMMUNITY is everything to me and I appreciate you all so much!

Love and light,

Nat xx

Hi, I'm Nat! I'm a Human Design Coach and Reader. I'm a 4/6 Sacral Generator.
I support people to embrace their highest potential so they can align to their soul's purpose.

Natalie Dillon

Hi, I'm Nat! I'm a Human Design Coach and Reader. I'm a 4/6 Sacral Generator. I support people to embrace their highest potential so they can align to their soul's purpose.

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Hey, I'm Nat!

I am in love with Human Design and the transformation it provides.

Using Human Design as tool for your liberation, transformation and empowerment is MY JAM.

With over 5 years experience as a Human Design Mentor, I’m here to show Spiritual Entrepreneurs like you what’s possible when you live in deep alignment with your design and start applying it to your soul based biz!

I keep Human Design simple and fun, breaking down the complexities so you can tap into your unique magic.

You are in the right place if you are ready to create a life and biz that you love and are absolutely obsessed with! Let’s get you the clarity you need as you discover your personalised blueprint for success!

Served Hundred's of client's using Human Design

30+ Certified Graduates from my Human Design Reader training

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