What is Conditioning in Human Design?

What is Conditioning in Human Design?

December 03, 20244 min read

Our blog is undertaking a bit of a shift and heading in a new direction – which we are super pumped about! We are going to be sharing a LOT MORE on how combining Human Design & Breathwork can support you on your deconditioning journey.

But before we share more on how you can decondition and start living in alignment with the truth of who you are, it’s important to understand what conditioning even is and why it matters.

Today we are going to break it down simply to show you what the hell it even means.

Dr Joe Dispenza says that by the time we are 35, 95% of who we are is a conditioned set of behaviours, emotional reactions, hardwired attitudes, beliefs and perceptions that function as a computer program. Many peoples lives are set on autopilot, and don’t even realise it!

Conditioning in a nutshell:

Conditioning refers to specific programming (beliefs, pressures and fears) that are taught to us from the people around us: family, friends, as well as society and culture in general. We are also influenced by the neutrino steam “Program” – the cosmic transits/planetary movements.

Conditioning in itself is actually neutral – it is neither good nor bad. It does however, have the potential to influence us because we are always being conditioned by energy and our environment.

From a Human Design perspective, if we internalise (consciously or subconsciously) certain beliefs that can lead us to override or ignore how we are designed to operate. This is when we start living from our “Not-Self”, getting stuck in patterns/behaviours that don’t serve us and being taken away from our souls purpose + true path.

The Energetics

We are incredibly impacted by the energy around us – in both positive and negative ways. We are constantly taking in energy through the Undefined areas and Open Centres in our chart, and experience this energy in an amplified way.

These are the areas where we are vulnerable to taking in other peoples opinions, fears, emotions, etc. and believe that it is ours. Living in conditioning comes when we attach to and identify with this energy.

When we do this – we create a story about who we think we are based on what we have experienced from others. So we try to live by other’s expectations and opinions/ideas, rather than what is actually true and correct for us.

It shows you where you do not feel safe to be yourself

We can also experience major conditioning in our Defined Centres – this can be a painful area of our chart if we are hiding/running away from our true self.

It’s the places we may hold ourselves back in, where we feel like we are ‘too much’ or ‘not enough’. Maybe it didn’t feel safe as child to express these parts of ourselves. Maybe we drew a certain conclusion from an experience and started to hide, and therefore stepped into our ‘Not-self’ to protect ourselves. Your conditioning comes from your personal experiences.

This can be where we feel it is not safe to be ourselves so an energetic internal battle rages from within.

Gentle Reminder

Please remember that there are no good/bad parts to any area of your design and this includes your conditioning.

There are only different ways to experience and embody things.

Understanding your conditioning simply shows you where you are not embodying your design, where you are working against the way your energy naturally wants to flow and be expressed.

Start Your Human Design Deconditioning Journey with our Free Centre Clearing Meditation

free human design breathwork meditation

This Breathwork Meditation is a collaboration between myself and my husband Matt, who is a Certified Rebirthing Breathwork Facilitator. Enjoy!

This Free Breathwork Meditation can be used as a daily emptying out practice to clear energy from your Open Centres.

This is a powerful Breathwork sequence designed to assist you in letting go of all that you are not, so that you can embrace all that you are!

The work we do to help you align to your Human Design is like nothing you’ve ever come across before. We combine our zones of Genius – Human Design & Breathwork – to create magic – dissolving patterns, cultivating inner wisdom and rapid transformation!

This is NEXT LEVEL healing that combines the cutting edge somatic practice of Breathwork with the most empowering self awareness tool out there – your Human Design Chart – to allow you to completely step into and emBODY the person you came here to be/

Click here to access your Free Human Design Breathwork Meditation

Hi, I'm Nat! I'm a Human Design Coach and Reader. I'm a 4/6 Sacral Generator.
I support people to embrace their highest potential so they can align to their soul's purpose.

Natalie Dillon

Hi, I'm Nat! I'm a Human Design Coach and Reader. I'm a 4/6 Sacral Generator. I support people to embrace their highest potential so they can align to their soul's purpose.

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Hey, I'm Nat!

I am in love with Human Design and the transformation it provides.

Using Human Design as tool for your liberation, transformation and empowerment is MY JAM.

With over 5 years experience as a Human Design Mentor, I’m here to show Spiritual Entrepreneurs like you what’s possible when you live in deep alignment with your design and start applying it to your soul based biz!

I keep Human Design simple and fun, breaking down the complexities so you can tap into your unique magic.

You are in the right place if you are ready to create a life and biz that you love and are absolutely obsessed with! Let’s get you the clarity you need as you discover your personalised blueprint for success!

Served Hundred's of client's using Human Design

30+ Certified Graduates from my Human Design Reader training

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