Human Design
What is Conditioning in Human Design?
Our blog is undertaking a bit of a shift and heading in a new direction - which we are super pumped about! We are going to be sharing a LOT
Natalie Dillon
What is Deconditioning in Human Design?
You may have heard us talk about “deconditioning”.
You may have heard it spoken about as you have been learning about your unique design.
More than just a buzzword or some HD
Natalie Dillon
How To Get Unstuck Using Human Design
Aligning to your specific Human Design energetic codes will support you in working with rather than against your natural flow of energy.
Natalie Dillon
How To Embody Your Human Design
How To Embody Your Human Design
Want to know how Human Design can actually transform your life and bring you into alignment with your truest, most authentic self?
Firstly - reading ALL
Natalie Dillon
Scorpio Full Moon with a Human Design lens
Welcome to the Scorpio Full Moon. Buckle up guys! This is a Super moon, which means that everything will be more powerful, potent, and amplified!
Firstly - Scorpio is a water
Natalie Dillon